"I think you love rocks so much that they've replaced your brain." — Rex Pieper.

"I think you love rocks so much that they've replaced your brain." — Rex Pieper.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Disco Knee

According to UKClimbing.com, Disco Leg is "Uncontrollable shaking of one or both legs on a climb, curable by pushing the heel of the leg downwards while the toe stays on the rock. Usually indicates imminent retreat, either voluntary or gravity-assisted".

Disco Knee is somewhat different. But here's my best attempt at a definition;

Disco Knee is the uncontrollable dislocation of one (left) kneecap on a climb, curable by rest and a few months in physiotherapy. Definitely indicates imminent retreat - gravity-assisted.

This blog is basically a sort of account of overcoming injury and getting back into sport, and also a way for me to show how extraordinarily witty I am (ish). Also, if you're a sadist, you might carry on reading this blog because you find injury amusing. Bastard.

Welcome everyone, and enjoy :)