I just had a chat with my future surgeon, Dr Gudjens :) And yes, by “future surgeon”, I do mean that my knee surgery is now definitely going to happen as soon as the next uni term has finished.. EEK!
I really don’t know how to feel about it.. Mainly because I still don’t know exactly what type of surgery I’m going to be getting ;) For definite, I’m going to be having some ligament reconstruction to tighten up the ligaments I’ve damaged, but also potentially I’m going to need some bone and another tendon moving too..
Forgive me, doctors and medical people, if I’ve got this wrong.. But here’s my best attempt at explaining what’s wrong ;)
The medial collateral ligament thingymabob is really stretched from the dislocations, so that needs to be tightened again to stop the thigh and shin bones moving apart and stuff :) But POTENTIALLY ALSO
The patellar tendon on my knee SHOULD go vertically downwards to the shin. Basically, look down at your knee when it’s straight, and you should see a little raised bit moving fron the kneecap to the shin. That’s the patellar tendon :) Mine is about 20 degrees-ish off straight, and that means that each time I move my knee, and that tendon pulls my kneecap down, it’s pulling it at an angle :) Even more basically - a dislocation waiting to happen ;)
So yeah, the first diagram is a definite, the second is a possibility depending on how my MRI looks, but the difference in recovery time between having it done or not is around 8 months plus a load more physio, which is a BIIIIIG difference.
In short, I’m scared. But hey, a lot of amazing people are going to be there for my while I go through it :) And while it means that I won’t be cranking out any of my V7 projects this summer.. Next summer, I should be stronger than ever, and hopefully this will never be a problem again :) As long as I’m climbing V1 by the end of the year, I’m happy :)
If I’m climbing V1 in TWO years, tell me to get training harder ;)
I love you all :)